The Association of Writers, Screenwriters, Playwrights and Audiovisual Directors of Panama (EDAP) has recently requested the collaboration of FESAAL (Latin American Audiovisual Authors Societies Federation) to implement within its country the new AVSYS open code operating system, recently released by AVACI (Audiovisual Authors International Confederation) free of charge, for the centralization of information concerning the authors’ rights of Audiovisual Authors around the world.
The operation of this new management society has been authorized this year in August by the National Author’s Rights Authority of Panama, and its purpose is to ease the management of Audiovisual Authors’ rights of its country on its Author’s Rights Law and Related Rights of 2012. Its request for assistance to the Technical and Legal Committee of FESAAL is vitally important since it will result in the implementation of AVSYS on its new web platform, the content of which is focused on films, television and the new audiovisual technologies of Panama and it is also being developed with the support of FESAAL.

This international collaboration among collective management entities arises in a context in which management societies of authors’ rights worldwide express their enthusiasm for the creation and free distribution of this new Operating System and request support with it. During December, a delegation of the Pan-African society, APASER, will visit Buenos Aires with the purpose to be trained in AVSYS, in a clear demonstration of the union and joint work being conducted by Audiovisual Authors of the world.