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FESAAL Annual Congress 2020 Latin American Audiovisual Authors

Latin American audiovisual societies will be the founders of the first International Confederation of Audiovisual Authors. Watch the testimonies of the Screenwriters and Directors in the video attached here.

Audiovisual Authors representing Collective Management Societies of Directors, Scriptwriters and Playwrights of Latin America, congregated by FESAAL, came together for a new annual congress which reunited them to continue with the defence of author’s ´rights in their territories.

Facing the current pandemic, the members of FESAAL gathered this past September 24th via online, debated on the situation of each of the societies in their countries, contrasting the ways in which each of them were impacted during the situation the world is going through, and how this affected directly the audiovisual environment and its authors. The rich exchange about how each management society is walking through this moment, not only provides a picture of the current situation but also encourages emerging societies to follow in the footsteps of stronger societies in the region.

As it is clearly expressed in the testimonies of scriptwriters and directors on the video attached here, there is great enthusiasm on behalf of the community of Latin American Audiovisual Authors, and great expectation towards the creation of the first International Confederation of Audiovisual Authors.

The advances that FESAAL has had as from its creation, become more solid with the steps the societies which conform this Federation give day after day. The major challenges are those that propose a sort of extreme struggle where the authors, who not only represent their societies but also the partners which they represent in their region, must come face to face with those who do not recognise this inalienable right, even if having a law that supports it and a supreme court that rules in its favour.

One of the most highlighted advances was that DASC – Audiovisual Directors Colombian Management Society and REDES – Colombian Network of Audiovisual Authors, initiated the collection and distribution of authors ‘rights payments to Colombian audiovisual creators and the management societies with which they hold reciprocal agreements. One of the fundamental tools in this process was the implementation of the FESAALSYS system of collection and distribution. This implies enormous progress for the region, given that Colombia not only recognises authors ‘right through their Pepe Sanchez Law – which protects the rights of scriptwriters and audiovisual authors – but enforces such law as well.

The next Annual Congress – hoping it is held face-to-face – will take place on September 2021 in the city of Punta del Este, Uruguay, invited by the host society AGADU – General Association of Uruguayan Authors. This will make way for a historic celebration, as Uruguay passed, last December, their law in recognition of authors ‘rights for scriptwriters and audiovisual directors. Yet another acknowledgement in the struggle of Uruguayan authors to stand up for their rights.

Beyond all impediments and an unprecedented pandemic, FESAAL continues to work in defence of authors ‘rights, in times when collective management takes on a unique starring role in the protection of authors and national audiovisual media.



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