On the next month of December, the Annual Congress of Latin American Audiovisual Creators will be held in the city of Havana, Republic of Cuba, which will gather the Creators of Latin America in a unique encounter with the Cuban Authors for the first time.

On the next December 12 and 13, at the National Hotel, this historical congress will take place, bringing together the creators representing the Management Societies of Directors, Scriptwriters and Playwrights in Latin America, clustered in the alliances ADAL (Latin American Audiovisual Directors Alliance) and ALGyD (Latin American Alliance of Writers and Playwrights), a collective of Creators that has been working for years in the region, with effort and dedication in the support to the Societies of Collective Management under creation, providing technical and economic help to the societies already formed and those which are developing, struggling for laws in their countries that defend the work of their Creators and their habilitation permits to be societies that distribute and collect Author Rights.

The Congress will be held within the framework of the 40th edition of the prestigious International Festival of the New Film of Havana, which has extended its invitation to the Alliances, receiving a large number of Cuban Creators who come to know about the steps that have been taken in Latin America and to be alerted about the need for the creation of their own Collective Management Society for Writers and Directors to defend their rights in their territory and throughout the world, by means of the network of sister societies.
It will be a historical congress, where the group of Creators will meet once again to welcome the Cuban Creators, sharing the same goal, the fight for their rights.